More than ever, there is one thing that truly separates many brands and companies today - that one thing is a good STORY. It’s no longer just what people buy, it’s what they buy into. When it comes to creating powerful brand connections, engaging presentations and inspirational business strategies and executions, a good story can make them all more impactful.
Internationally recognized storyteller, keynote speaker and author, Shane Meeker, knows the challenges that businesses and brands experience as they try to stand out in a crowded marketplace. After years of research and study of the film industry he developed a way to take his favorite movies and apply their story methods to the business and branding world. In fact, he often tells audiences that you can solve almost any business story problem with what works in Star Wars (don’t worry, he will explain how).
Shane Meeker is a 28 year veteran at the Procter & Gamble Company with a degree in Industrial Design. Before becoming the P&G Company Historian and Corporate Storyteller he led the design strategy for billion dollar brands like Tide, Gain, Downy, Dawn, Cascade and Pampers.
Shane has been presenting his StoryMythos content for 17 years at 300+ companies around the globe including Walt Disney, Ford, Anheuser Busch, Nike, American Express, Exxon Mobil, FedEx, US Bank and Nationwide just to name a few. Shane regularly presents globally and at conferences and on university campuses and is an adjunct professor at the Chicago Illinois Institute of Technology and the University of Cincinnati. He is also part of the faculty for the Leadership and Strategic Impact program at the Tuck Executive Education program at Dartmouth and at the Xavier Leadership Center. His presentations include surprising insights, engaging personal stories, fun movie references and “Hollywood-esque” story tools that everyone will remember and use long after the event ends.

Shane’s book, StoryMythos: A Movie Guide To Better Business Stories, is available on Amazon and Kindle and was rated a #1 New Release Best Seller in Business Writing and Skills. He also was a speaker at TED where he talked about the Power of Short Stories.
“I brought our firm’s Development, Marketing and Operations executives to Shane’s presentation for the Goering Center. Lightbulb moment! Shane’s keynote address and book inspired us to completely change the way we tell stories for our clients charitable organizations. These changes have resulted in hundreds of thousands of additional dollars being raised and thousands more people being impacted by our client’s philanthropic endeavors.”
- Jeff, President and CEO of Prolanthropy
Click the LOGO to see Shane's TEDx Talk on the Power of Short Stories!

A quick video sample from Marketing Innovation Day at Ford. Click to play.
Shane was featured in an article called "Those Best at Pitching Follow These 4 Steps" for Inc.com written by Scott Mautz - click the visual for a link to the story.
“StoryMythos is one of a kind! Raccoons, StarWars, and Disney janitors all come together to tell the story of why Story matters. His talk is not only the most fun way to spend time in a conference room, but it is also one of the most actionable ways to better our relationships with key stakeholders and customers, by better doing the one thing that stands the test of time: telling our unique story.”
- Erika, Cardinal Health, Vice President of New Product Development
“Shane gave us a master class on how to use storytelling to keep our audiences engaged. We were all inspired to use his ideas and tools across our daily work and presentations. His methods will help us to better engage and inspire! Shane absolutely left us wanting more, and we will definitely have him back!
- Denise, Design Officer, 3M
“Shane’s StoryMythos course is the best material I’ve experienced since being in corporate America. Applying the resources and knowledge that Shane shared has improved me as an employee and expanded the trajectory of my career. Highly recommend to everyone, and can’t wait to take it again myself!”
- Bennett, Nike Jordan Brand Senior Product Line Manager
“I’ve been programming conferences for over 25 years. Shane made me look like a programming rockstar. I can honestly say that Shane is one of the best speakers we’ve had the honor of putting on our stage as a keynote. He was amazing to work with, understood our audience, and made sure that his message was relevant to them. Everyone walked away with practical tools to use immediately with their customers. I’m not sure it is possible to ask for a better outcome. THANK YOU SHANE!"
- Libby, SAMA Director of Knowledge, Certification and Training
Shane’s presentation is incredibly captivating! He creates a unique bridge of understanding by sharing how the strategies of cinema storytelling can be utilized by organizations to enhance their messaging. Shane provides powerful insights; clever humor; thoughtful questions; entertaining visuals; and engaging feedback. He is one of the best speakers I’ve ever witnessed! After his first presentation with us, we called him back for more. Audiences are riveted and it wouldn’t surprise me if at the end members stood up and exclaimed, “O Captain! My Captain!”
- Christina, Director of Advancement, Edison State Community College
“Shane recently spoke to our Marketing associates at Nestle Purina’s CMO meeting. Shane brought so much inspiration, knowledge and excitement to our marketing organization. Marketers commented that Shane’s StoryMythos presentation was something they could leverage in their work immediately to make an impact. Best keynote speaker we’ve had in years!”
- Christy, Senior Manager Brand Mktg, Purina Brand